
What Is Minimally-Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression?


Unnecessary Suffering from Back Pain

Back pain decreases quality of life socially, at work, and at home. If you suffer from back pain your pain is no doubt chronic or long-term. Decompression in the spine means that a lumbar vertebra has slipped out of place. What happens is, the vertebra slides forward thus putting your spine out of normal alignment. When your spine becomes misaligned the vertebra immediately presses on the nerves running through the spine, causing untold pain and misery with other health problems.

What Causes Decompression of the vertebra?

Lumbar Stenosis is when the spine begins to narrow. A few different issues can make the spine narrow such as a bone spur, the ligaments in the spine begin to thicken, arthritis can cause lumbar stenosis. These conditions, while seen mostly in the older populace can occur in younger people and are most likely tied to genetic factors.
Herniated Discs or Bulging Discs

The Advancement of Surgical Technologies

Years ago spinal surgery presented a lot of risks. The surgeon had to make a long incision along the spine. Post-operatively that procedure increased hospital stays, pain, infection risks, and downtime.

Not saying that a decompression laminectomy is not a huge consideration today as all surgeries are, but this surgery is now done in a matter of minutes with little to no downtime. This procedure known as a Minimally-Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression is an outpatient procedure, meaning you go home once the anesthesia wears off. It is up to your doctor as to whether you are a candidate for this minimal spinal surgery.

Through the advancement of medical technologies all the surgeon can now offer you a Minimally-Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression. The surgeon makes a very small one-inch incision on one or both sides of the spine. There are no stitches over the incision due to being so small. The surgeon may use paper stitches placed over the area called steri-strips or a form of surgical tape to close the small incisions and cover the area with a Band-Aid. This new technology drastically decreases pain, has less blood loss, offers lower infection risks, and provides faster recovery times.

Dr. Courtney will likely have you walking after the procedure. You will notice you can stand up straighter, require less to no pain medication, with an ability to walk with better balance for long periods of time. You return home after surgery with a two-week post-op recovery. You should be able to go back to work within two weeks.

Guarantees and Promises are Impossible

There is not a surgeon found that can guarantee or promise surgical results to you. This is because everyone reacts differently to surgical procedures. All the surgeon can do is refer to the many surgeries he or she has done in the past who experience a total success. Know that you may not be a good candidate for this minimally-invasive Lumbar Microdecompression. Perhaps you are a better candidate for a traditional laminectomy or spinal fusion. This decision is up to your surgeon.

At the first indication of spinal pain call us. Make an Appointment today!


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Insurances We Accept

We accept plans from the following providers. Please contact our office to determine whether your specific plan is accepted. This list may be subject to change.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Health Logo
Humana Logo
United Healthcare Logo
Galaxy Health Network Logo